striped lined sequin trim.grandma cocos buttons.duponi silk. and a nut.
elastic sequins have changed my life. i want to never use ugly elastic ever again.
this stuff is genius..just remember to tape the ends before you cut.
for his pants: i just cut his legs extra wide up top so it would be bunchy+balloon
out a little..same pattern for jammies.i sewd these babies up in less then 10min.

totally proud if i dont say so myself..first time makin a jacket..
a military jacket! i couldn't find any patterns i just patterned it
after one of mr beckhams dress shirts and made one side extra wide..
started making a practice round with a fun black+white striped fabric..and voila!
i made it into the lining!sleeves were pretty tricky.. i now know you
sew up the side-into the armpit-then down the bottom seam of the arm.
. . .
and added some pretty awesome coat tails..