halloween soiree:come if you dare. . ..

a night of shrieks and shrills..
1exotic orange snake..3fire belly spotted frogs..20something gold fish..80large crickets
hundreds of baby crickets..live meal worms..6 creepy mice..spiders+creepy crawlies galore! yuuuuck!

chocolate covered ant-filled test tubes+ ghoulish gummy worms..TERRIBLY TOXIC.
tomato basil bisque filled borosilicated glass test tubes.buy them here..
let the games begin! we started off nice+sweet with a few minute to win-it games..
then brought out the specimens..mmooohoohohoahahahahaaha!
FEAR FACTOR+MAD scientist....
.let the games begin.
mexican flavored larve...mmmmm
{actually these were super yum, next year ill bake a mexican chocolate cake+put these on top!!}
chicken tallons.pig feet.giant cow leg.
yup. i said cow leg.
..cricket relay..
must find a scull+5 bones
then you must consume the remains.
kidding.but why didn't we think of THAT!?
todd+i went as a circus couple:tight rope walker+russian trapeze artist
todds balls were the talk of the night!
loooved our fred+wilma couple..even brought coordinating chips+dip!

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