our everything-room:
these should really be my before pictures..
..i REALLY want to paint those antlers fuchsia..but haven't found the right shade..
..dreaming about painting that wall turquoise and stripping those frames down to their original-gaudy GOLD..think Pantages Theater..
..looking for a vintage mantel.buy one for me if you see one. k thanks!

yep.another one of todds handi-crafted pieces..he whipped this up one afternoon..
made of $mahogany. he only works with exotic woods..so he tells me.
zebrano.australian lacewood.wenge.
i heart toddi.more on the coffee table later.

i made these ruffle pillows a year ago..need something new..
thinking a slate blue+navy+teal?..could be fun with this mustard that's not going anywhere..

..i REALLY want to paint those antlers fuchsia..but haven't found the right shade..
..dreaming about painting that wall turquoise and stripping those frames down to their original-gaudy GOLD..think Pantages Theater..
..looking for a vintage mantel.buy one for me if you see one. k thanks!

yep.another one of todds handi-crafted pieces..he whipped this up one afternoon..
made of $mahogany. he only works with exotic woods..so he tells me.
zebrano.australian lacewood.wenge.
i heart toddi.more on the coffee table later.

i made these ruffle pillows a year ago..need something new..
thinking a slate blue+navy+teal?..could be fun with this mustard that's not going anywhere..
mr 0liver wanted to say hi..