...cinnamon swirl what?!...

thats right. can you beleive it!this is what my bread looked like 1 year ago! i decided to get serious..humble myself a bit..and take bread-making 101 from my mother in law SUE. 
she said if i followed three simple rules..
i could have the most perfect loaves of bread.

1. start with hot..HOT water.
if you keep your yeast in the freezer..like most people do..when adding it to the "warm water" the recipe calls for..you'll get a bowl of yeast that wont expand at all.
so start hot!

2.feed your yeast.
give it a little something to eat while its hanging out
in there. sugar or honey! whatever you use for sweetener..your yeast will thank you later. wait 8 minutes..if there is no response..throw it out! start fresh.that way you won't waste your fresh flour or yummy toppings.

3.always make 4 loaves.
yep thats right. keep one or two for yourself and give the rest out. who needs that many anyways!SUE says its good bread-making karma.<---and who wants to mess around with that.!? 4.sing to your loaves. ok.she didn't say to do this..but i beleive if you sing to your plants..you should sing to your bread!it will only make you and your bread..happier.

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